【又名】秘密“性”任務 / The Warp Effect / รูปลับรหัสวาร์ป / Rup Lap Rahat Warp / 密碼機密

【導演】提查孔·普考同 / Ninew Pinya Chookamsri
【主演】提迪蓬·德查阿派坤 / 永瓦蕾·安尼柏爾 / 張翊昕 Harit Cheewagaroon / 娜妲阿芮查·布拉帕吉迪 / 普西特·迪塔皮西
【類型】劇情 / 喜劇 / 同性
【又名】秘密“性”任務 / The Warp Effect / รูปลับรหัสวาร์ป / Rup Lap Rahat Warp / 密碼機密

【導演】提查孔·普考同 / Ninew Pinya Chookamsri
【主演】提迪蓬·德查阿派坤 / 永瓦蕾·安尼柏爾 / 張翊昕 Harit Cheewagaroon / 娜妲阿芮查·布拉帕吉迪 / 普西特·迪塔皮西
【類型】劇情 / 喜劇 / 同性
亞歷克斯是一個17歲的害羞的孩子,他仍然是他的一羣朋友中唯一的處男。他多次試圖失去童貞,但都皆大歡喜地失敗了。有一天他醒來發現自己在另一個環境中,他不再是處男,而是性關係專家和婦科醫生。然而,他的老朋友不知道爲什麼討厭他,並且 和一羣新的人走得很近。此外,一組神祕的圖像出現了,這可能會給這個轉變發生了什麼線索。Alex能解決和老朋友的爭吵,解開照片之謎嗎?
Alex is a seventeen year old shy kid who remains the only virgin among his group of friends. His multiple attempts to loose his virginity fails hilariously. One day he wakes up to find himself in another environment where he is no longer a virgin, but an expert on sexual relationships and a gynecologist. However his old friends hate him for unknown reasons and is close with a new set of people. Moreover a set of mysterious images appear which may give a clue to what happened for this transformation. Can Alex solve the quarrels with his old friends and solve the mystery of the photos?